
I have been known in my meetings to be the person who plans out my dinner meals months ahead. Fellow members have always wanted to get copies of my menus. I decided as of late – why not??!! So I will be putting my dinner menu plans on here along with the recipes or the links to the recipes. Just to let you know up front, I have no creative bone in my body to make and create my own recipes. But I am amazing at following a recipe. I will always cite the source of where I found my recipe. I’m not very creative with side dishes either – just FYI. My hope is that if I have to keep everything posted and up to date, then I will be more likely to use my menus myself so I can help my daughter and myself achieve our goals. Basically this is what I’m doing for myself and I’m offering it to you as well. Some of these recipes I’ve already tried, most I have not, so it will be a surprise to us both whether they are good enough to be in the “definitely make again” category or the “please don’t even say that recipe’s name again” category – or “uck” for short.

I am learning photography as I go as well.  Sometimes I get wrapped up in making dinner that I forget to take pictures, but I will strive to at least get a picture of the recipe or the final dinner plate.  Hopefully!!  And I hope they look appetizing.

Even when I get a recipe out of a cookbook, I always run it through Recipe Builder just to make sure the points are accurate with the actual ingredients that I am using.  Yes, I am that Type A person!!  Also that allows me to track it very easily when it is already in the database.

UPDATE:  All recipes have been updated with Smart Points information.  NOT Freestyle Smart Points.


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